lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Joan Córdoba

These lines are just to share with you my sadness for the death of my colleague and friend Joan Córdoba.

I have known Joan for almost 20 years and over that time we developed a very nice friendship.  He was a very thoughtful and kind human being. He was always very respectful, compassionate and honest; a true gentleman.

I was deeply impressed with the bravery that he faced his disease. His example of strength and dignity will inspire me all through my life.

I would like to share my grief in this time of bereavement with deepest sympathy and condolence to his wife Mercè and the rest of the family.

Rest in peace. 

sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Just the Two of Us

This song from Grover Washington Jr. is one my favorite song of all times.

It is melodic, it is danceable, with great melody and rhythm.

Everytime I hear it I get excited.

I hope you enjoy it.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Emotional correctness

I would like to share with you one of the most inspirational videos that I´ve recently seen. It is about "Emotional Correctness". The speaker, Sally Kohn, is a lesbian talking head that works for Fox News, the most conservative media in the US. As you can imagine, she gets a lots of criticisms and nasty emails in her daily work.

Instead of focusing on political differences, she sees beyond disparities. She proposes liberals and conservatives to transcend their political differences and really listen to each other in a kind way.

What I most like from that talk and that she sees the person beyond the politician, and that she is not judgemental.

The older I get, the less judgmental I become. And people like Sally inspired me to be more open minded and to listen to everybody without preconceived ideas.

Enjoy the talk....

miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

El mejor momento de 2013

En mi ultimo post de este 2013 quiero compartir con vosotros mi momento mas memorabe.

Fue un dia cualquiera del mes de Agosto. Tras la siesta de rigor, me fui a pasear sobre las 6 de la tarde por la playa valenciana con el fin de captar alguna silueta interesante. A lo lejos vi una pareja paseando del brazo, con claros signos de union duradera y de estar disfrutando de un romantico paseo.

Tras afinar la vista, me percate que eran mis padres, y la sorpresa fue realmente emocionante y evocadora. Corri unos metros, saque mi Nikon y pude plasmar dicho momento.

Y me quedo de este año 2013 con la maravilla de ver a mis padres paseando felices tras una larga vida en comun, fertil y fecunda en muchos aspectos.....